The Fan

Hello My shit reader,
Today I want to tell you about shitastic shit story.
So There was this one shitty time when I was shitting 15 and I was drunk
So one of my shitty friends said "Dude, shit on the fan"
Me being shitting drunk with shit beer said "YEAH BOI I'LL SHIT ON THA SHITTY FAN"
And then I took a prune beer mix, and I shat
Then I threw the shit at the fan...
Then the fan came to shitting ''life!!!''
Spooky am I right?
well any shitting ways something amazing happened...
The shit fan...

''came to shitting life ''

wow, I shitting right?!
but any shitting way,
The fan came shitting down and chopped off my friend's shiting head,
then I ran with all my shitting might
and then...
it blew up and shit flew everywhere.
And that was my shitting shit shitences to shit park